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Ministries at Healing Word


We have a ministry for children to teach them about the love of Jesus!  Children and teens are taught about Jesus and His ministry. We let them know the Lord cares about them and their concerns.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."  Matthew 19:16


Here at Healing Word, we believe in making a "joyful noise unto the Lord", by creating an

atmosphere that allows young and old alike to enter into the presence of the Lord.


With a Praise Team led by Joyce Young, we believe in keeping our heritage alive by incorporating traditional hymns into our services, and yet continue to maintain a contemporary worship setting.


We believe in encouraging those with musical gifts to participate by

making time for "specials" each Sunday.


So whether you enjoy Traditional, Southern Gospel, Contemporary, or Christian Rock,

come on and join us, as the Spirit sets your feet to dancing, your hands to clapping,

and your heart to worshipping.

Joyce Young 

Our goal is to encourage spiritual growth, personal development

and leadership among women while serving our world with love. 

Galatians 5:13


To accomplish these goals we are always looking for ways to support fellowship

and fun throughout the year and to help the less fortunate inside and outside

of our church and community.  

Taking Care

of God's



Be joyful in hope, patient in afflication, faithful in prayer. Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality.               Romans 12:12-13


When someone at Healing Word is hospitalized or experiences a death in their immediate family, we are there to assist in their time of need with food, flowers, or a gift card along with hugs and prayers.

In addition, we have an active card ministry to encourage and let indiviuals know we are thinking of them and lifting them up in prayer.


We invite you to come and be a part of our church family in times of worship, and fellowship as we experience the mighty love of God.


Sherry Shaw
Outreach Ministries

Ronald McDonald House

Smokey Mountain Childrens' Home

Blue Ridge Women's Center


Praying For Our Ministries here at Healing Word

Pastor Terry & Sherry Shaw
Joyce Young, Youth Pastor 

Church Council

Healing Word Cares Outreach Ministry

Mona Trout 

Ladies Prayer Group

Card Ministry




Missionaries at Healing Word

Ben, Diane & Hannah Bustamante (Milan-Italy)

Dennis & Debbie Heppner (Philippines)
Brad & Aibie Nelson (Philippines)





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