The following testimony is from Venesia Guerrant.
Back in December of 2014 I was diagnosed with breast cancer later to find out it was inflammatory breast cancer and it had spread to three separate areas in the bone. I had several scans run each time no good changes I tried several types of chemo nothing was working. I have always looked to The Lord for guidance so in March of 2015 I stepped out on the limb of faith with The Lord 100% and I am still there. I have not missed a night on reading my healing scriptures. I had more scans run on April 27th 2015 and my Doctor's were amazed they could not find any Cancer my scans came back clean PRAISE THE LORD !!!!!!!!!!.
The Lord speaks & lays a lot upon my heart I am so glad I listen.
We all need to step out on that limb of faith The Lord is not going to snap it out from under us. We need to believe and love The Lord with our whole heart because he loves us.
Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers.
UPDATE: On July 17, 2015 I learned that the breast cancer that was in remission had come back. I went back on chemo and even though it had returned I was not stepping off my limb of faith no matter what or how I felt. I seen my Doctor on August 18, 2015 for checkup & blood work the results was not good my cancer markers had increased. Even though it was not good news I still praised The Lord and I prayed Lord guide me as to what I need to do and he did. The Lord guided me to have my blood work done again so on September 18, 2015 at 9am I had my labs redone and later that evening I got a call from my Doctor she ask me what have you been doing I told her that I was continuing to pray. She told me my cancer markers were Zero! Praise TheLord!! We have to stay strong in our faith and not give up on The Lord he does not give up on us. He is always there to pick us up when we fall and he will always keep that limb extra strong for us all we have to do is believe and turn it over to The Lord. I thank you Lord for always guiding me as to what I need to do because without you in my life I would be lost. Thank You Lord for loving me.